Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Decisions, Decisions . . .

Hello everyone!

Well I started making my PowerPoint . . . HOWEVER, I think I'm going to change my essay (yes, again) to something that would be easier to fit the perameters of the assignment. I like my essay, but I don't think it has enough *oomph* in it to make a good presentation that incorporates historical information.

I am considering changing my essay to either Essay 2 "Abercrombie Settles Class-Action Suit" or Essay 5 "Where 'English Only' Falls Short." My decision will be based on the essays in Part VII and what historical information I can use as support.

I still haven't heard from any of my group members :(. Oh well, hopefully that means I can get my project done faster . . .

Stay tuned to more information on: my essay decision and updates on the project!

Posted by: Ryan

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