Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Keep chugging along . . .

Hello everybody!

Well, last week my goals were to (1) finish my slides for my PowerPoint and (2) add audio to my presentation.

Unfortunately, I only finished my first goal.

So this week here are my goals and the days I hope to complete them:
1. Type up a "script" to go along with my presentation (by Wednesday)
2. Record the audio for the presentation (by Thursday/Friday)
3. Run through the presentation several times (by Saturday)
4. Post in SlideShare (by Monday)

Hopefully this schedule will keep me on track. Let's hope that there are no glitches :(.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Now to the finishing stages . . .

I have FINALLY settled on an essay. I will be doing my multimedia project based on Essay #15: "The Segregated Classrooms of Proudly Diverse Schools." I chose this essay because I feel it will open up a lot of discussion about the US's public school system. I also looked at the historical essays and think that an essay based on Brown V. Board of Education will intertwine nicely.

I started working on my final PowerPoint last week and currently have pictures on there. I just need to add a few more slides and then I can add my audio.

I also set up a SlideShare account and will be playing around with that soon.

I hope to complete my slides by the end of the day and hopefully finish my audio tomorrow (Friday).

Posted by: Ryan

PS, STILL haven't heard from anyone :(.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Decisions, Decisions . . .

Hello everyone!

Well I started making my PowerPoint . . . HOWEVER, I think I'm going to change my essay (yes, again) to something that would be easier to fit the perameters of the assignment. I like my essay, but I don't think it has enough *oomph* in it to make a good presentation that incorporates historical information.

I am considering changing my essay to either Essay 2 "Abercrombie Settles Class-Action Suit" or Essay 5 "Where 'English Only' Falls Short." My decision will be based on the essays in Part VII and what historical information I can use as support.

I still haven't heard from any of my group members :(. Oh well, hopefully that means I can get my project done faster . . .

Stay tuned to more information on: my essay decision and updates on the project!

Posted by: Ryan

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well as of today I have not heard from any of my "group" members so it looks like I'll be going alone on this one lol.

I have tentatively chosen essay #11 "Goodbye to Pat Morita, Best Supporting Asian" as the essay to use in my project.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting Started

Hey everyone,

Well this is our first post on our blog.

Today, I will be looking through the text for essays to use for our multimedia project. Within the next few days, our group will hopefully be able to discuss and choose the essays we want to use for our project.